Tag: Certified Home Inspector

Building Dreams: The Role of New Construction Home Inspections

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Building a new house is a significant undertaking and investment, but it’s easy to get caught up in all the small details of personalizing your soon-to-be home. Amid the excitement of seeing your vision come to life, it’s important not to overlook the essential new construction home inspection. GreenLInk Home Inspections has designed and supervised […]

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The Top 4 Questions Homebuyers Ask About Inspections

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Buying a home is not only a significant investment; it can also be intimidating. One of the most critical steps in your real estate transaction is the home inspection, where you will learn the condition of the home you are about to purchase. Long Island residents trust GreenLInk Home Inspections because we are experienced home inspectors […]

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How to Prevent Common Summer Pests in Your Long Island Home

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Summer is the season of enjoying outdoor activities and making memories with your family, but it’s also when pests can become more active inside your home. Unfortunately, some can cause significant damage to the structure of your home if they go undetected. GreenLInk Home Inspections can assist you with a termite inspection and assess your […]

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5 Summer Maintenance Tips for Your Long Island Home

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It’s the season of spending time outdoors around the clock, which presents the perfect opportunity to assess your home and ensure it’s in top condition. Proper maintenance will help you protect your most significant investment and avoid costly home repairs. Not to mention, a well-maintained home will be a comfortable and safe home that grants […]

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3 Home Inspections You Might Need This Spring

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The temperatures are warming up outside as the world around us transitions from winter to spring. With each new season comes a new set of responsibilities that require our attention within our homes. Consider some beneficial services from GreenLInk Home Inspections to help you cross a few of these items off your list. Let’s explore […]

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Debunking 4 Common Home Inspection Myths

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The home inspection is a critical step in the real estate transaction because the potential buyer will learn the true condition of the home they are about to purchase. However, home inspections may induce a bit of unnecessary anxiety due to all of the misconceptions that surround them. GreenLInk Home Inspections offers thorough home inspections […]

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Home Inspection Realities: 5 Top Issues Identified

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Whether you are a buyer or seller, a home inspection will make you take a pause as you weigh the implications of the report on your real estate transaction. While we know there is no such thing as passing or failing an inspection, there are limits to what a buyer is willing to take on. […]

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Avoid These Common Mistakes When Choosing a Home Inspector

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It can be difficult to decide where to turn when choosing a home inspector for your pending real estate transaction. You want to ensure your new home is free of any deal-breaking flaws or safety issues. GreenLInk Home Inspections is locally owned and operated on Long Island, and we are experienced in navigating the area’s […]

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Identifying Foundation Problems During a Home Inspection

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There are certain issues that you don’t want to see on the home inspection report, whether you are the seller or the prospective buyer, and topping that list would be foundation problems. That’s because the foundation is one of the most critical components of a home evaluated during an inspection and can end up being […]

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How to Prioritize Your Home Inspection Report

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Whether you are a first-time buyer or have done this a few times, the real estate transaction process can leave you feeling overwhelmed and your head spinning. Sometimes you find what you think will be the perfect house, but the inspection report indicates otherwise. Perhaps your inspection report uncovered many issues you weren’t expecting to […]

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